Dreams and Visions

God reveals Himself in diverse ways, including through the beauty of nature, the wisdom of scripture, and personal experiences. Among these, dreams and visions stand out as profound channels through which He communicates His will and guidance to individuals.

10 الدروس
300 دقائق
Watch The Day I saw You
Yasmina's life changed when someone appeared to her in a dream.
Watch the trailer
برنامج الدورة
درس 1
God sees what is happening
30 دقائق
بدء الدرس
درس 2
God chooses His messengers
30 دقائق
بدء الدرس
درس 3
God is a trustwhorty guide
30 دقائق
بدء الدرس
درس 4
God reveals the future
30 دقائق
بدء الدرس
درس 5
God accomplishes His purpose
30 دقائق
بدء الدرس
درس 6
God has a purpose for your life
30 دقائق
بدء الدرس
درس 7
God's blessings are gifts
30 دقائق
بدء الدرس
درس 8
A God includes everyone
30 دقائق
بدء الدرس
درس 9
God comes to earth
30 دقائق
بدء الدرس
درس 10
God provides courage
30 دقائق
بدء الدرس
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